Ohana. {Kailua Photo Shoot}

We were visiting cousins in Hawaii back in October and I loved shooting at a new location,
especially when it involves tresspassing. ;)
We miss them so much living so far away, but you don't have to twist my arm to visit Hawaii.
They make beautiful kids and I'm so excited that baby #3 is on the way!
Check out those hawaiian tans...







Willis Family.

Not only is this the best dressed family of all time, but they were such a blast to photograph.
It was fun to venture out of orange county and try out a new location.
We shot at Travel Town up in Los Angeles and check out how much they sparkle. ;)









Ballstaedt Family

This family could not be more beautiful, inside and out.
Lisa and I go waaaaaay back and I love that we get to be mommies together.
Baby Gemma is a dream baby and those blue eyes will melt anyone's heart.
Days like this on the beach with awesome friends is what makes my job so great. 

Recent Work. {AKA Photo Dump}

Well, here you have it. 
A random selection of my recent work, mostly from last year.
The truth is, I just don't have the time (or energy) to post my favorites from every session, especially during the busy season.
I feel that each family should receive individual attention, but it has just been piling up as I feel more behind each day. 
So I hope you'll forgive me in this informal attempt to catch up on this neglected blog.

I loved looking back on the wonderful moments I shared with all of you!
THANK YOU for making this job so fulfilling.

ahhh, the weight has been lifted.

Ward Family.

Loved everything about this shoot.
Love this family. Love all the green trees & the sunshine after the rain.
Love that I got to shoot in a new place I've never been. 
These were taken on a trip out to Miami Florida back in November.
Can we say photogenic?!?

are you dying over the head tilt?!?

yes, even baby doll made it in the shot. ;)