the c family.

for some reason, my photos are looking slightly different in clarity when i post them on this blog.
are there any photographers that can tell me how to make my web photos stay as crisp as they look in photoshop?

working away...

so i guess when the clouds are out, i can be very productive. only during nap time, of course.
i have a lot of editing to do...but here is one i am working on right this second.
please come out soon sun so i can be unproductive and soak up your rays all the days.

how cute is this daddy daughter shot? {taken at 3 arch bay in laguna beach.}
lots more to come...

m family.

it was my second time photographing this family and it's amazing how fast babies grow to be toddlers.
trust me, i would know.
but seriously, how much do you love this smile?


ok. so i'm new at this giveaway stuff and i guess i should have had you leave an e-mail address.
i have tried to contact the winners (brittany and ian) by leaving a comment on their blog, but i have not heard back from them. i was also hoping they would check back on this blog to see they were announced the winner and i left my e-mail address for them to contact me.

anyway...brittany and ian, if you are out there and you still want a free photo session, it's still yours for the taking.

in the meantime, i am going to pick a new winner and it is:


hopefully you check my photo blog often enough because i can't get into your private blog to let you know.

and the WINNER is...

can you read backwards? ha.
i did it old school style...out of a hat.
congrats to brittany and ian.
e-mail me at jillfacerphotography{at}gmail{dot}com and we'll talk details.

i will definitely be having more giveaways!
that was so much fun and i loved reading all your comments about summer!
thanks for checking in and stay tuned for the next giveaway.
(and all the blog catching up i have to do!)


i have so many photo shoots to post it's overwhelming, but i have wanted to do this for a long time now and i'm feeling generous today! to be honest, i am curious to know who even checks this blog, so this will help me see that too.

the 411:

1. leave a comment telling me how you found this blog.
2. also finish this sentence: "i love summer because..."
3. that's it. no fan club to join or facebook tweets about me.

contest will end on Thursday July 8th, 2010.

winner will get:

one hour session at a location of their choice.
a cd of edited high resolution images.
can be used for family, (up to 6 people),
senior portraits,

one winner (chosen at random) will be announced Friday, July 9th 2010.

who doesn't love free stuff?!?

good luck!

bree. {sweet 16}

although she looks about 21, this beauty just turned 16 and we had so much fun frolicking around this orange orchard that i have been dying to discover. we carefully sneaked past the 'no trespassing' signs and it was definitely worth the risk. would you agree?

oh, there are many more great ones i could post...
just a lovely evening and to top if off the oranges were delicious!

clare. {senior portraits}

these aren't you're typical senior portraits because this senior is anything but typical.
she is an incredible artist and we found the perfect spot to showcase the clare we all know and love.
we also happen to share the same last name.

love this one:
and for artistic measure, i had to throw in one of these:
dear clare,
you rock.

annie & jason. {engagements}

of course i had a hard time choosing which photos to post.
a, because it's my sister and
b, they are just too dang beautiful and photogenic.'s a plethora.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy.

gotta have one of these: {ha!}

paparazzi shots:

isn't love the greatest?
can't wait for june 25th!